Saturday, May 15, 2010

The axis of oil: China and Venezuela?

The Chinese are coming. In no part of the world is this more evident than Latin America, where a series of trade agreements, infrastructural investments and bilateral visits over the past two years has begun to reshape the economic landscape. But economics is also politics. China seeks to present its new relationship with Latin America as part of its much-vaunted "peaceful rise", but how is it seen in Latin America itself – and in the United States?

The more radical of Latin America's new generation of leftwing leaders have few doubts. Hugo Chávez was in typically ebullient mood as he visited Beijing in December 2004. After signing a series of bilateral agreements (Venezuela's president has put his pen to at least twenty-five with China since coming to office in 1998) he speculated that Chairman Mao and Simón Bolívar, the source:

The axis of oil: China and Venezuela?
Asia will become the next Super Power or the next new "age" probably in the next 200 years (their goals are long term).

Water will find it's own level in Latin America - the money is not equally distributed - BOOM watch out.
Reply:Like all centralized command and control economies, they'll have a stranglehold on the oil market the day after we find an alternative energy source.
Reply:I thought it was interesting that Chavez stood up and said Venezuela would not support the Arabs in an oil embargo against Israel and it's western allies who stood by and watched the masacre in Lebanon.

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