Friday, May 21, 2010

Is America scared?

Is America scared of the rise of China and India in past ten years. Theirs also talks that China and India could end up being the next superpowers by the mid century. So is America or the U.S gov scared that it might lose its superpower dominance over the world?

Is America scared?
No just stupid. Come on folks USA is the world's most powerful nation why earth should they give credence to a second rate economy?
Reply:with the rise of illegal immigration, and dependency of foreign oil we already lost our superpower status. wait until our new president takes command and Iran starts flexing their muscle. we will cower like small children.
Reply:I don't know if America is but I am.

I think social structure would change if China's style of government were to rule the world.

It seems that very restrictive ways of thinking, reading, talking and living would become more common. :( :(
Reply:i thinks so....

my mom told me it was in the bible the chinese were gna take over the
Reply:No the public is too dense to be scared.

They voted for Bush in 2004, knowning darn well that he was in the process of bankrupting us with tax cuts and the war.

Bush send Dixon Head on the talk show curcuit to convice us that the resulting budget deficits didn't matter. I remember it like yesteday, Dixon on the Rush Limpmember show, dazzling everybody with his horse droppings.

If you ain't scared now, get scared. Start learning Chinese and learn to stuffle your feets. Yes Sir! Coming Mr Wong!

We were on top of the world folks, and blew it by acting like pigs in an oil trough and being to lazy too think for ourselves and electing the Bush Crime Family.
Reply:I know I am, but many Americans are just to plain dumb to know what is going on.

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