Saturday, May 15, 2010

What Mattel rejected toys is one of the US strategies stop China, it makes all doesn't like Chinese products?

What Mattel had done is part of US strategies to stop China, because China makes US really worry. No reason for US to fight China like he fought Iraq. Through Mattel he can calm down his steps. Why he choice Mattel? Because no significant impact if he choose a small company, so US choose Mattel as a giant and sacrifice it. Combine with his associates, China %26amp; the world wont relize what US done. Now the result is all the world does't want to use China's products. Can Mattel (US) make the world trust back to China's products? How many China's manufacturing colapse by what Mattel had done? And can Mattel rise up the former of toys company that commited suicide, and what happend with his family and his wokers? How much should Mattel pay for compassion? How bad is Mr. Li ChangJiang %26amp; China if they knew that US has used Mr. A. Debrowski to fool of them? Have you realize that you have been in US trap for you have been dicided to not use them even they are high qualities?

What Mattel rejected toys is one of the US strategies stop China, it makes all doesn't like Chinese products?
I might initiate violent reactions from saying this, but I'll say it anyway. I see the underlying insecurity on the part of America as the real reason behind this relentless and vicious bashing of China. Is the US envious of China's success? I guess so.

The United States is beginning to realize the monstrosity it created when it peddled to the world the big idea of borderless trading. It failed to anticipate that other countries like China which has more to offer in terms of cheap labor and enjoys a strategic trading edge because of the bigger market to unload its goods can out-hustle the US on the economic playing field that some wise-*** American bureacrats envisioned in the beginning.

Now, Uncle Sam can't take the heat anymore and so he's bad-mouthing old friend Ming. The substandard products that come out China's obscure sweatshop are America's creations too. By taking advantage of China's cheap labor and raw materials, and the willingness of its corrupt bureaucracy to bend the rules, the US capitalists encouraged their Chinese cohorts to sacrifice consumer safety for the sake of profit.

The United States should only have itself to blame for allowing sub-standard goods to infiltrate American market when they should have known better, being part of the fiasco the whole time.
Reply:Not true - see may answer below.

Both this answer and the asker's commens are fallacious. Report It

Reply:Hey ming In answering your question I am very much a strong opposer to all chinese products.I have absolutely no trust towards anything made in and from china.My tools are all made in USA and are made to last they are craftsman,proto sk crescent tools etc etc.Need I say more here?
Reply:Mattel should close down its factories in China .

I favor a protectionist trade policy which will impose

high tariffs on Chinese goods coming into the U.S.

China has a very unfair trade policy .At this

juncture ,China has very high tariffs on U.S. goods that

are coming into China .America will prevail !!!!!!
Reply:In the interst of sharing cross cultrual ideas and views, I thnak you for your question!

It is interesting there are conspiracy theories in China too :)

The issue is that the manufacturers in China did not send products that meet the specifications agreed to.

In that regard it is an ordinary contract issue.

But the particular problem is that the poor quality involved health features. In the case of the toys, the paint or other material contained too much lead on pieces children are likely to put in their mouth.

This could poison the children severely. Of course no one wants that.

This is the same reason lead has not been allowed in paints in the US for at least 40 years. It is no secret what the quality requirements are. Or what the health consequences are to children who eat lead.

Mattel is not really a big company relatively speaking, in the US. It is large inthe toy industry, but among all companies, it might be lower-middle range.

This is not the only similar case involving Chinese manufacturing partners, even in the last year. There have been several other toy companies that issued recalls of Chinese items for the same or similar reasons.

Ther has been toothpaste and pet food that has been recalled due to improper chemicals that would poison whoever ingested them.

I think that there have also been baby cribs that have been recalled for lead paint or maybe for structural problems that could cause a baby to be hurt or killed.

In general, people in the US consider Chinese manufactured items to be lower quality compared to the same goods from most other countries. This has been true for a very long time, but the feelings were starting to improve lately.

I am an international marketing manager, and it is my feeling that this series of trade mishaps might hurt the perception of all Chinese quality, whether deserved or not, for a very long time.

American opinion, both in public and among business and government leaders, is that the Chinese manufacturers brought this upon themselves by not having sufficient quality assurance.

Also, that the American companies bear some responsibility to the American consumer, but not to the Chinese suppliers, for not verifying the quallity before releasing the products in the market.

The result will be that Chinese suppliers will be held to very strict standards of quality. My own opinion is that this will be good for them in the long run - it will create a more mature, capitalistic economy within the Chinese system.

On the overall scale of our economy and yours, this is currently not even a drop in the bucket. It is easily repaired at this stage, No one here thinks this is a matter of war or anything like that. We just need the suppliers to meet agreed upon expectations.

To be honest, this kind of thing has happened in all other developing economies where manufacturing for the US is too. Just maybe on a smaller scale because China is so much bigger. The other countries got better quickly at their jobs, and so will the Chinese suppliers.
Reply:So, you think it's okay for children to be poisoned by lead?

lily garden

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