Saturday, May 15, 2010

China is (has been) America at capitalism, while America is beating China at corporatism. Y/N?

The USA is 1 trillion in debt with the CPC.

But China doesn't have one major corporation Forbes' 'top 100' corps. The US gov't is war profiteering...while China is developing their economy at an unprecemndented rate, employing hundreds of millions through US corps, has risen 400 million out of poverty since 1980 (largely thanks to the downsizing/outsourcing of American co's to Asia)

Those are my thoughts. What are yours.

Intelligent responses only please.

xie xie.

China is (has been) America at capitalism, while America is beating China at corporatism. Y/N?
All of you are wrong in one big area.

China has only had a few decades of a free market system to go from being a dud economically to world class. In fact, for years China subsisted on economic zones and only in the last few years has China included all of their country as one huge free market system.

Percentage wise, as far as income disparity, China and the USA are about even. With China and the USA both have 1.8% of the people who make up the bottom 10% of income and consumerism while the USA has a lower percentage who make up the top 10%, 30.5% vs 33.1%.

What one poster pointed out that China has more living in poverty, that is misleading when China and the USA have roughly the same percentage living in poverty, about 10% and China has over 3 times the number of people. Of course they are going to have more living in poverty.


There are more China answers found through my profile. I live in China, an ex pat living there for the last year.


Reply:It's a difference in philosophy. The Chinese are baking pies as fast as they can. In America, the rich people are using the laws to make sure that the rich people get all of the pies that are baked and to punish any bakers who sneak bites.
Reply:Well do you know China has a large slave population and the government turns a blind eye to that. China has a lower payroll that the states through cheep %26amp; slave labor and so does India. Capitalism is the worst system that was ever developed, because its false empty and leaves millions behind. China is a Communist country so there system has been working along now with Capitalism in there hand the few will make a killing while leading the mass in doomnation
Reply:Your call sign shows your bias and any real rational on china's way of ruling their people would just be a waste of time.
Reply:its academic. liberal tax and spend and failed welfare schemes of extremists like the pelosi/reid regime will destroy the business base anyway so what possible difference could it make right or wrong whatever the answer is.
Reply:No. China is good at producing a lot of low quality, low priced goods. That is why it is flooding world markets. On the other hand, the US is making high quality, high priced goods, thus the presence of large corporations.
Reply:The library of congress is littered with junk (no pun intended) thesis.

China is poisoning it's own while telling them they have superior genes that make them impervious.

China is keeping it's lower classes poor, while trying to attract ex pats back.

China see's the corporate structure imposed upon it by multinational corporations as a temporary condition. It tries to float trial balloons, as a measure of it's timing.

I hope you find these constructive. For further reading check with the CFR .
Reply:America's doing better at capitalism too. Its GDP is much higher than China's. China's growth rate is higher, but it won't stay that high. It's easier for small things to grow at a fast rate than for big things to grow at a fast rate. That's why the stocks of small companies usually increase more than big companies. But those small companies usually don't eventually outgrow the big companies. And a 1 trillion dollar debt for the US is not that big compared to its GDP.
Reply:China is shameful.

USA is shameless.
Reply:So move there then.

-- And get run over by a tank.

No I don't agree. America might have her problems but no one, repeat, no one, beats her at free enterprise. In China you don't own anything. The government owns you.

If you get pregnant with a second child they force you against your will to get an abortion no matter what month you are in. They abort fully formed viable babies.

Their economy for a Communist government is not bad but only because they are themselves experimenting with capitalism. If you can call slave labor capitalism. The standard of living there is abdominal while ours is the envy of the world. Our poor live better than their middle class.

They are still very much a backwards nation. One that is very dangerous to their own people and the rest of the world.


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