Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do you think its good for us it US economy keep in decline will China rapidly rises?? (sorry for grammar)?

Its fine if theres a country more developed then the US. What will china do? All they are doing is making a whole bunch of toys and clothes cause that is the industry they have chosen..

Do you think its good for us it US economy keep in decline will China rapidly rises?? (sorry for grammar)?
Reply:If US sneezes, EU will catch a cold. And the other countries will also follow suit sooner or later. In a global scenario, even China, which has more or less remain insulated from this phenomenon till now will ultimately fill the pinch. In case of a global slowdown, China cannot grow at the present pace.
Reply:of course its not, we have outsourced so many jobs barely export what we have in the past our dollar is failing the price of oil has sky rocketed and will continue to do so as china and india has increased demand for cheap energy while us Greedy americans dont think about 2-3 generations down the line, GEt ready for the war for oil and i doubt the U.S. wins that of course thats after we conquer Iran, Syria, or any other oil rich nation that we want too
Reply:The US economy is not declining, it is growing at close to 4% this year, perhaps just 3% next year, but hardly declining.

However, with China growing around 10%, it is improving rapidly. I suspect it will face set backs periodically as well, especuially with that government it has.
Reply:NO WAY!! There's so much outsourcing that we have done that our economy is suffering. Especially around where I live, Michigan. There are no jobs in this state anymore, which used to be booming with jobs. We have the worst economy of any state because of outsourcing. My dad had a sort of "forced retirement" from Ford's outsourcing! We used to have a great economy of automobiles, but all of that is being OUTSOURCED! My dad doesn't have a job because they had to shut down the plant! No one will hire him! A family of 6 has to live off his pension alone! And I'm one of the lucky ones here!! Many people don't have jobs and don't even have pensions! Some of my neighbors' homes are being foreclosed, and I'm in a better neighborhood than most! The automobile industry's outsourcing has ruined our economy. The middle, working class suffer from this! And get this, China is planning to take over with THEIR cars. That will hurt our economy even more! And with my concluding statement, I would like to say, DOWN WITH OUTSOURCING!!

*ahem* my rant is done

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